03 novembre 1954
Ce qui me rapproche de lui :
Ce qui me rapproche de lui :
« Avant tout la pop ce sont des chansons superbes. Le reste c'est du sexe, de la subversion, du style et de l'humour."
“Live shows are the last bastion of human beings over machines”
'Depression,' he says, 'is
something that doesn't just go away. It's just... there and you deal with it.
It's like... malaria or something. Maybe it won't be cured, but you've got to
take the medication you're prescribed, and you stay out of situations that are going
to trigger it. Which is usually... incidents, or being in an environment that
is one of terror or... something that sparks off the illness.'
Like what?
'It can be anything. It's
different for everyone.'
What is it for you?
'I think being stalked in
LA was one. That was a very big one. And, I think, dealing with the aftermath
of having had a career in the public eye.'
Recherches associés :

Billy Idol

Malcom McLaren
Vince Taylor
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