dimanche 9 mai 2021

Billy Joel

09 mai 1949

Ce qui me rapproche de lui :

“Everybody is different. Some writers can write reams of great books and then J. D. Salinger wrote just a few. Beethoven wrote nine symphonies. They were all phenomenal. Mozart wrote some 40 symphonies, and they were all phenomenal. That doesn’t mean Beethoven was a lesser writer, it’s just some guys are capable of more productivity, some guys take more time. Mozart pisses me off because he’s like a naturally gifted athlete, you listen to Mozart and you go: “Of course. It all came easy to him.” Beethoven you hear the struggle in it. Look at his manuscripts, and there’s reams of scratched-out music that he hated. He stops and he starts. I love that about Beethoven, his humanity shows in his music. Mozart was almost inhuman, unhuman.” En savoir +


Ils sont nés un 09 mai : Claude Piéplu (1923), Charles Roger Hargreaves (1935),  Pierre Desproges (1939), Dick Annegarn (1952), Kermit la grenouille (1955), Albert Meslay (1956), Dave Gahan (1962), ...

Per Kirkeby nous a quitté le 09 mai 2018.

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